Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recognises that this form of Hypnotherapy in the majority of cases is the best form of treatment today for this painful bloating embarrassing condition. It works usually very quickly as peoples stress and emotional responses are calmed in therapy which has an immensely positive outcome on their physical condition and happiness levels . People soon feel that they can start living their lives as they would wish without the worry of avoiding certain social situations or food groups. This Solution Focused Hypnotherapy really does help to give people the freedom back in their life when they can start living again and enjoying life.
Sonia is happy to report great successes treating people who have had IBS and felt that they could not possibly go out anywhere without fear of a bowel accident or in the very least knowing where all the toilets were.
During therapy Sonia explains and helps people to understand the route of the fear and the actual physical effect this has on the body , causing a cycle to occur. Weekly people are encouraged to lower anxiety and stress by a combination of Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy which has a fantastic outcome for people as they start rebuilding confidence and reporting a physical reduction of many symptoms associated with IBS. Often people visit Sonia after they have had medical tests to rule out bowel diseases , and they are unsure of where to find help medically as all tests were clear.
Sonia explains that for people suffering IBS the signs and symptoms are very real but these can be helped and reduced greatly by her form of therapy, as a qualified nurse she understands the workings of the body and bowels and how these are connected to the brain at times of stress.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Sonia feels is the way forward for many health concerns that are made worse by stress and anxiety in our lives .
Many of Sonias clients have left after 8 to 10 sessions feeling they have made great progress and can get on with life going out as normal with no fear or worries of what they eat and where they go .